My Approach


“It’s much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has.”

– Sir William Osler

I like to get to know my patients so I can understand them and treat them in a way that is consistent with their goals and values. 

Sometimes medical issues are straightforward and simple.  At other times, illnesses are more complex and interrelated with mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, or other aspects of your life. 

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Personalized, Holistic Care

To me, holistic care means seeing you not as a “disease”, but as a whole, unique person.  Each of us lives in a dynamic internal and external environment.  We can work together to address health concerns in a way that fits with your style and needs. 

“Dr. Klaes is critical to my health and well being. She is thorough, practical, and partners with you on your health and well being. She keeps up on her industry's research but also can and will consider more holistic approaches. I'm so fortunate to have her by my side.”

– San B.


Herbal Medicine

In addition to modern western medicine, I am learning about herbal medicine and can help advise you with this approach to wellness, if you are so inclined.  I studied herbology at the Naturopathic School of Ann Arbor, and am working on Rosemary Gladstar’s Science and Art of Herbalism course. Patients who are interested may help me with harvesting herbs and making herbal medicines.  It’s really fun!